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Mercy Connect Dances Online

  The Annual Mercy Connect Dinner Dance was held this month. The Dinner Dance was virtual, with ongoing COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns occurring and as such, taking an innovative approach, the Virtual Dinner Dance was designed so that participants could celebrate together, within their own homes and catch up with friends and staff, without the

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    In 2020, McAuley made the decision to escalate the conversation about and focus on the correlation between, homelessness and family violence. Working with stakeholders from across the sector, we began to lead a project to examine what more can be done to further an approach called ‘Safe at Home.’   ‘Safe at Home’

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Announcing the Mercy Integral Ecology Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program

  The Institute, in collaboration with Catholic Religious Australia and Catholic Earthcare, is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for emerging leaders in Integral Ecology. It is part of response to the Laudato Si’ Action Platform  in hearing the cry of Earth and the cry of those rendered poor,   This fully-funded, 12 month (part-time)

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Institute Launches Integral Ecology Policy

  On Friday October 15, Institute Leader, Eveline Crotty RSM launched the Integral Ecology Policy, along with the Institute making a commitment to the  Laudato Si’ Action Platform – a seven year program of seven goals being taken up by Catholic organisations around the world.   The policy is part of the Institute’s commitment to respond

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An Account of a Pioneering Trip to Australia

  On 31st August 1875, a group of pioneering nuns from Ennis, Ireland arrived in Singleton to establish a Convent of Mercy.   One of those who made the journey was Maggie O’Connell, later known as Sr. M. Aloysius. At the time she was a seventeen year old postulant who had heeded the call to

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Jocelyn Bignold – A Local Hero

  McAuley Community Services for Women CEO Jocelyn Bignold OAM has been chosen as a Westfield Local Hero at Westfield Airport West. Jocelyn’s dedication was recognised and positioned her as one of the three top finalists.   Jocelyn has spent her career working in support of women and children who have experienced family violence and women

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Country Convents, Convicts and Graves in York, Western Australia

  When the foundation to Perth was secure the Sisters of Mercy began to be needed in the new and expanding rural towns starting to appear in Western Australia. In 1872 sisters departed by bullock dray to establish a convent school at York, the first colonial inland town after Perth with European settlement beginning in

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St Aloysius College Adelaide Celebrates their Mercy Beginnings

  COVID upset many plans in 2020. For St Aloysius College, Adelaide, and the Sisters of Mercy in South Australia, it meant the cancellation of the greatly anticipated celebration of the 140 Jubilee of their beginnings in South Australia in 1880.   Although other States have still been unable to do much in the way

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Young Mercy Links Celebrate Mercy Day through connecting and deconstructing

    On Sunday September 26, Young Mercy Links South Australia and Victoria joint in a virtual training session with Erfan Daliri, a social change consultant and CEO of Kind Enterprise. The Diversity Engagement programme is designed for those who wish to connect and communicate more genuinely and effectively with newly arrived migrant, refugee and

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The Holy See Approves Mercy Ministry Companions

    In February 2020, the Institute proceeded towards formation of a Public Juridic Person of Pontifical Rite to oversee the future canonical governance of the Institute’s incorporated ministries. In a Decree appropriately dated 24 September 2021, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, approve the formation of the new

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