Laudato Si'

Laudato Si’ Goal 6: Ecological Spirituality Resources

The Dicastery of Integral Human Development describes the purpose of Goal 6: “To recover a religious vision of God’s creation, encourage greater contact with the natural world in a spirit of wonder, praise, joy and gratitude, promote creation-centred liturgical celebrations, develop ecological catechesis, prayer, retreats, formation”.

In response to this call, in our ongoing commitment to Laudato Si’, our Institute members have developed a number of resources in all of these categories. We now share them freely to encourage others to join us in developing ecological spirituality. As we develop more resources, we will update this page with new offerings to support Goal 6.

How to use this site

We encourage the use of the resources of this site for individuals and groups. Some resources are stand-alone and may be used as a complete ritual or prayer. Others may be seen as building blocks to create your own original resources (e.g. you may wish to take the words of a poem, crediting the poet, and put them to your own music and images).

For each of these resources we offer the following suggestions for entering into a fully present, reverent space:

  • Become still and aware of our surroundings, our bodies, our breath and divine presence
  • Allow plenty of silence in the beginning, end and during the ritual or prayer
  • When there is an invitation to share, it may be helpful to create plenty of space and time around each sharing, allowing all voices to be heard.