Information Sheets
In keeping with one of the guiding principles of our Sustainable Living policy, we wish to share our knowledge and experiences across the Institute and with others. We do this as we hope others may benefit from some of our experiences.
The following Information Sheets provide some real life examples of how we are progressing along our own journey and it may assist others who may be interested in pursuing their environmental Sustainability agenda.
They are not designed to be the only “How to Guide” available, as different organisations will have different priorities and areas of interest, but if they assist in starting conversations or providing some practical examples of environmental Sustainability projects that the Institute has completed, then we are glad they helpful to others as well.
An A to Z of Earth-friendly waste disposal
ISMAPNG Environmental Sustainability Information Sheet – Bokashi One Composter
ISMAPNG Environmental Sustainability Information Sheet – Car Costs and Emissions
ISMAPNG Environmental Sustainability Information Sheet – Carbon Footprint
ISMAPNG Environmental Sustainability Information Sheet – Investment Divestment
ISMAPNG Environmental Sustainability Information Sheet – Solar Energy