What we do

Tertiary and Adult Education

Education enables the expansion of our hearts and minds. The thirst for knowledge is innate in all of us and is a lifelong quest. Tertiary education allows people to expand their horizons and depth their understanding in areas of interest. It can also be a key aspect of breaking the cycle of poverty.

Across the Institute we are involved in delivering a diverse range of education programs from formal tertiary studies, vocational programs and adult education.


Our sisters aid this important learning as teachers and scholars.  Our sisters teach in areas such as education, theology, psychology, scripture, spirituality, canon law, leadership, ecology and art.

A Circle of Mercy Theologians ISMAPNG

From the beginning of our life and mission as ISMAPNG we recognised the importance for our Institute as a whole to be able to continue to draw deeply from the riches of our faith tradition. Mercy theologians and biblical scholars, along with many others, were called upon to contribute to the emerging Institute in in a variety of ways.  With the blessing of the Institute Leadership Team, this group decided to meet together as circle of theologians to reflect on their work together so that this collective involvement could be as effective and creative as possible. In 2013 it was expressed in this way:

  • As a group of Mercy theologians we affirm the principle that ‘Mission centres us’.
  • We recognise the importance of “Mercy people” being able to identify ourselves as engaged in living Mercy mission.
  • We recognise the need for a variety of processes and opportunities to re-engage in Mercy mission as the reconfigured Institute.
  • We want to offer our varied expertise as a resource for the development of Mercy mission reflection processes.
  • We meet to learn together, to do theology, to review processes used in our call to Mission within the Institute.

Some Areas of work 2013-2016

  • Mercy Ethos
  • Mercy Global Action
  • Mercy Education
  • Mercy Health
  • Mission Gatherings 2014
  • PNG Theological Education for Sisters
  • MIA International Reflection Process