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Wendy Flannery RSM – Working for Justice and Peace

  Sister Wendy Flannery’s recent election as the Australian Vice-President of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), is just another milestone in her long history of advocating for justice and peace both locally and internationally.   Wendy, who lives in Brisbane, has been a member of WILPF, the first International Women’s peace

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Mercy Connect Awarded for Excellence

  Given how challenging the past twelve months have been for our regions, Mercy Connect was very pleased to receive two Albury Wo­donga Business Awards for the categories of Excellence in Health, Education and Disability and Outstanding Not for Profit Community Organisation.   “These awards provided clear affirmation of how Mercy Connect respond to local

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Mercy Works: Educating with impact

  Sr Mary Lewis RSM is at the frontline helping refugees and asylum seeker students settle into the Australian education system. At the end of each month, all our Mercy Connect volunteers submit a report to their respective Coordinators giving them an update of how they are going.  Recently, Sr Mary received one moving report

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Ballarat East Heritage – Treasures from the Collection

  The Ballarat East heritage and archives collection moved to Sydney in November 2019. As the Institute Archives and Heritage Team have been processing the collection they have discovered many wonderful objects that illustrate the rich religious and social history of the sisters in Ballarat East.   Music Stand This elegant music stand belonged to

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Building Bridges – A Profile of Adele Howard RSM OAM

    (Aboriginal peoples should be aware that this article may contain images of people who have died).   “For all of us in Mercy” is how Adele Howard RSM describes her Order of Australia Medal that was conferred as part of the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours.   While she admits she had some initial

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Together in COVID response

  In her regular column in the Central Western Daily Newspaper, Mary Trainor RSM writes of the challenges confronting Australia due to COVID-19 and the hope that the community will continue to rally together and do the right thing for themselves and others.     The growing numbers of infections from the Coronavirus poses a challenge

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The difference your generosity has made

  In April this year, Mercy Works asked for your help and the response we received far exceeded our expectations.   I had received an urgent letter from Sr Maryanne Kolkia RSM, our In-Country Coordinator for Papua New Guinea, updating me on the escalating COVID situation in PNG and requesting emergency assistance.   Maryanne wrote

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Seville putting Laudato Si’ into action

    Last year Seville Mercy Conference made a decision to adopt Laudato Si in their operations which included developing a benchmark of practices in January 2021 resulting in 76 changes to the way in which they undertake their ministry.    Subsequently, an audit was conducted and a plan was developed with a total of

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Seville Hosts Ecumenical Women’s Breakfast

  On Saturday, 22 May visitors were warmly welcomed to Seville Conference Centre in Cairns for an Ecumenical Women’s Breakfast with guest speaker, Lesley Van Staveren.   2021 has seen big changes at Seville to make it a centre for living out the values of Laudato Si,  Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment.  Seville is

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Commemorating the Sisters in Forbes

  On Monday May 24, thirteen Sisters gathered with Bishop Columba Macbeth-Green, the  Wilcannia-Forbes Catholic Education Office and Chancery to bless a series of plaques adorning the Catholic Education Office in Forbes. The plaques recognise the history, work, education, care and dedication of our Sisters past and present.   The wording and design of the plaques

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Young Mercy Links Connecting with Community

  The month of May has been eventful and event-filled for Young Mercy Links SA members, hosting a Girls Day, Mother’s Day event and a Festival of Food Fundraiser in partnership with the Circle of Friends for the refugee community in Adelaide.   Held in the school holidays, the Girls Day consisted of a few

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