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It’s time for First Nations Voices to be heard

    It’s time for First Nations Voices to be heard The Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea supports a First Nations Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution as a vital step in the journey of reconciliation and healing for Australia’s First Nations people and for all who inhabit

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Saying Yes

  In October this year Australians will vote in a referendum to enshrine in the Constitution recognition of Australia’s first people and establish a First Nations’ voice to Parliament. Seven of our sisters have drawn on their experiences to say why they will be strongly voting Yes in the referendum.   Sister Florence Kinsela, Parkes

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Magnificent Star of the Sea

  A magnificent place for families and people who want to get away is how Sister Margaret McGrath describes the Star of the Sea Guest House in Apollo Bay, South West Victoria, where she has been the Manager for the past three years.   “The most satisfying aspect about my ministry here is to see

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A long term friendship

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Canberra 1972 https://www.eurekastreet.com.au/article/the-aboriginal-tent-embassy–then-and-now In 1972 the Aboriginal Tent Embassy was established in Canberra, a sign of protest against the then government’s approach to indigenous land rights. On 31 July 1972, some 2000 people gathered to show their support, among them was Sister Patricia Adams RSM in full black habit. While the

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Assisting with the flood recovery

  In early May, the Institute was pleased to donate some furniture, kitchen items and bedding from the former convent building in Singleton to assist flood-impacted communities in the northern rivers region of New South Wales. The items were donated to a volunteer run group called ‘Rebuilding NR 2022’. The group was started by local

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Works of Mercy Commemorated in Bathurst

  The Sisters of Mercy living in Bathurst had considered for some time commemorating the Works of Mercy in the Bathurst Diocese. In furthering this aim and in conjunction with her work on the Cathedral Renovation Committee, Ann-Maree O’Beirne RSM began a conversation with the Diocese and local sisters Paula Smith RSM and Patricia Powell

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Mercy Mission Formation Network 2023 Gathering

  The Mercy Mission Formation Network (MMFN) co-ordinating team are currently working on the final plans and agenda for the re-launch of the Mercy Mission Formation Network 2023 Gathering.   We are looking forward to the relaunch of our network after COVID disrupted our plans.  The gathering will provide a time to reconnect to our

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Santa Casa – A House of Mercy

  From its beginnings as a convent school, Santa Casa Retreat Centre continues to provide a sacred space for visitors to reflect, seek and deepen their connection with God and the cosmos. In 2023, Santa Casa will offer fourteen in-house retreats that are open to the public as well as a selection of one-day retreats.

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Building a Culturally Safe Community at St Patrick’s College Townsville

St Patrick’s College Townsville has embodied Mercy values, such as compassion, respect, integrity, justice, hope, and joy, since the late 1800s, inspired by Sisters of Mercy foundress Catherine McAuley. Today, the college takes pride in welcoming young women from diverse national, cultural, and faith backgrounds, and in fostering a community that seeks to build relationships

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Mercy Works Radio Back On Air

Sr Maryanne interviewing Mercy Works PNG team staff member, Gabriella Kawage.   Radio is a powerful medium that can inform, educate and change lives. It connects people and communities – none more important than the remote regions highlands of Papua New Guinea where Sister Maryanne Kolkia has been broadcasting nightly sessions for around 14 years

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2023 Mercy Integral Ecology Emerging Leaders Fellowship

  The Mercy Integral Ecology Emerging Leaders Fellowship is once again up and running thanks to the support of donors and partnerships with other Religious Institutes. Once again, we welcome highly-skilled and committed candidates into the program from a range of backgrounds, all of whom already have experience as leaders, who now seek to address

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Swapping clothes to save the planet

  On Sunday November 13, Young Mercy Links hosted a Clothing Swap to help end hyper-consumerism. As it was National Recycling Week, we thought it would be a great time to educate people on the impacts the fashion industry has on our environment, along with the social impacts it causes.   Fast fashion is a

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