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Salt ‘n’ Pepper: Healing Through Hope

  Mercy Works proudly supports a project called Salt ‘n’ Pepper an innovative outreach program supporting indigenous women in prison and post release, a time for that for many is the darkest of their lives.   For two decades, Jane’s* life has been marked by heartache and struggle, trapped in a relentless cycle of incarceration

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Slow the Flow – Eugowra Workshop Day

    The Institute’s Slow the Flow – Eugowra project reached a milestone on 27 October 2023 as some 50 farmers, landholders and supporters gathered in the remote community of Reedy Creek, New South Wales.   The gathering was the first in a series of capacity building workshops designed to reduce speed and destruction of

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Seville – Australian Sustainability First

  Seville Mercy Centre based in Cairns has just been announced as the first Sustainable Tourism certified conference centre in Australia!   The high profile accolade follows Seville’s world leading Sustainable Tourism Certification whereby they demonstrated best practices in a rigorous sustainability accreditation process.   “We feel incredibly proud of our team who have worked

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Empowering Futures: The MPower Mentorship Program

    In the vibrant heart of Western Sydney, a transformative mentorship program is quietly shaping the destinies of young Sudanese men and women. The program, formerly known as the Josephite Refugee Mentor Support Program (JRSMP), now proudly bears the name MPower and will be managed by Mercy Works in 2024.   MPower serves as

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Sisters Celebrate Health Milestone

  Mercy Health celebrated 100 years of service of the Sisters of Mercy in the local community of Young, New South Wales, through a month-long celebration in November.    The Sisters of Mercy founded Mercy Health, first arriving in the Young community in 1923 when the Goulburn Congregation took over management of Mount St Joseph’s

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Targetting the root causes of issues

  Last month, Sister Theresia Tina travelled to the Philippines to present at the International Federation of Social Workers Asia – Pacific Conference. She has shared some of her experiences below of her well spent time there.    Firstly, I am grateful to Sister Angela Reed, Marietta Latonio (Program Coordinator of the Mercy Emerging Leaders

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Cambodian Housing Funds Raised Ahead of Joint Immersion

  In December this year, 12 members from Young Mercy Links (YML), both South Australia and Victoria, will partake in a 10-day visit to Cambodia in the first joint immersion between the two groups. Before they go they have set a target of $8000 to raise money for Cambodia’s Jesuit Refugee Services’ Housing Project.  

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New Leadership Commissioned

  The Institute’s new leadership team was commissioned at a joyous ritual in Sydney on November 11, the anniversary of Catherine McAuley’s death.    More than sixty sisters from around the Institute, joined with hundreds of sisters and colleagues online, to ask for God’s blessing on the Institute’s new leadership team – Karon Donnellon (Institute

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Transformational Visit to Cambodia

  Communications Team Member, Cynthia Mulholland, is one of nine participants in this year’s  Mercy International Association – Mercy Global Action’s Emerging Leaders Fellowship. She has recently returned from a transformational immersion in Cambodia.   I had the great privilege of being selected as a participant of Cohort Three of the Mercy Emerging Leaders Fellowship. 

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Helping to slow the flow in Eugowra

  The Institute’s Integral Ecology Strategic Plan calls for involvement in at least one the-ground project per year. A devastating  flood in the New South Wales town of Eugowra and their quest to ‘sink, slow and spread’ the water from a nearby Creek has become this year’s focus.   In November 2022, what has been described

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New Institute Leadership Team

  Five fine Mercy Women were elected at the Institute’s Third Chapter to guide the Institute for the next four years. They bring to their new roles considerable wisdom and experience obtained from diverse backgrounds in mission and ministry. The Chapter was held at Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney from September 10-17. The new Leadership

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Meaningful Conversations About the Voice

  Inviting people to share their voices is the call behind the Kitchen Table Conversations that are occurring across Australia in the lead up to the Voice referendum.   Kitchen Table Conversations draws on a long tradition of conversations around the kitchen table which were once the mainstay of households. They are a way of

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