Mercy Global Presence
What is Mercy Global Presence?
Mercy Global Presence is an online program of new, reflective and engaging resources which are being offered to all Mercy Congregations/Institutes, individual Sisters of Mercy, Associates and partners in Mercy Ministries across the world. (
It is an initiative of Mercy International Association to foster the growth of compassion across the world.
Mercy Global Presence is an organic entity and a counter-cultural sign in a globalised world which has, in recent times, made more extreme the displacement of persons and the degradation of Earth.
How did it come about?
The concept of Mercy Global Presence arose from the Mercy International Reflection Process (MIRP) discernment and was launched in September 2019.
“In a global world, there will be a Mercy Global Presence. In a world of displacement, Mercy Global Presence will champion inclusion. In a world of degradation of the environment, Mercy Global Presence will realize its oneness in the sacred communion of all creation.”
MGP provides resources that inspire, call and animate us to respond to these issues as individuals and as collective.
You are invited to participate, through reflection and discussion, (online and face to face, when possible) in the use of these resources which have been prepared on different themes for each month.
Every four months the emphasis of these themes will change, but they will all maintain a related focus on the concerns of Mercy Sisters and our colleagues across the world, that is, on the Displacement of Persons and the Degradation of Earth. They will have as foundational and linking Segments the arenas of: Global, Mercy, Presence and Integration.
Resource Themes and Timeline
Download the PDF here
Participating in Mercy Global Presence
Participate in one or more of the Mercy Global Presence Online Retreats Global Contemplation: Bringing the Mercy International vision to life. Download the flyer here for details
You are also invited to participate in gatherings for Theme 3 on Zoom. See here for details and to register