Laudato Si’ Goal 4: Adoption of Simple Lifestyles
The intent of this goal is to promote a culture of sufficiency, particularly encouraging changes in individual consumption. This was identified in an early campaign launched though the Institute that promoted “Simple Daily Gestures” as a prompt for individual contributions. Similarly, other individual actions were addressed through the themes of Infrastructure and Transport with several initiatives implemented to support these areas.
What have we achieved?
- Launched updated and more comprehensive Simple Daily Gestures booklet in February 2022 with 114 hints and behaviours
- Launched first version of Simple Daily Gestures in 2017 with an accompanying photo montage video of Sisters and staff promoting and participating in these behaviours
- Made a significant reduction in the number of ISMAPNG vehicles and increased Hybrid vehicles in the fleet
- Reduced flights by holding meetings online where possible.
What are we doing?
- Continuing to live simply in a spirit aligned with our commitment to the Sisters of Mercy
- Investigating retrofitting options in our properties where possible to reduce energy use
- Continuing to promote car sharing, walking and use of public transport.