Laudato Si’ Goal 3: Ecological Economics
Ecological Economics acknowledges that the economy is a sub-system of human society, which itself is embedded within the biosphere–our common home.
Re-thinking the current economy through an ecological lens means we will start to make economic choices within the limits of the planet’s ecological boundaries. This means promoting a culture of sufficiency, circular economy, gift economy, bioregional production/consumption, sustainable production, Fair Trade, ethical consumption, ethical investments, divestment from fossil fuels and any economic activity harmful to the planet and the people.
What have we achieved?
- Development of Institute wide Sustainable Living Procurement Guide
- In partnership with our external investment managers – developed comprehensive framework “Roadmap to Responsible Investing”
- Divested from fossil Fuels
- Celebrated with numerous rituals, resources, and program events to promote the Season of Creation every year
- Creation of comprehensive Waste Recycling Guide.
What are we doing?
- Exploring partnership opportunities with suppliers to identify what sustainable products are available
- Identify the potential for waste avoidance opportunities with relevant ISMAPNG suppliers
- Continue to develop Impact and social Investing
- Celebrate the Season of Creation by promoting ways we are living the gift/exchange/circular economy in our daily lives
- Encourage reflection on Laudato Si’ themes in each community
- Participating in the gift economy by teaching gift/exchange/circular economy values and making this available to others.