Laudato Si’ Goal 2: Response to the Cry of the Poor
This is a call to promote eco-justice, aware that we are called to defend human life from conception to death, and all forms of life on Earth. In solidarity with Mercy Global Action, we especially hear and respond to the voices of Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons. We stand with those promoting a just transition for workers from polluting industries towards regenerative livelihoods.
The Church’s principles of human dignity, a special concern for the poor and solidarity, and our Mercy charism, both call us and challenge us to hear the cries of all persons who are displaced or vulnerable, offer them understanding and acceptance, support them, and work with them and others to expose and eradicate the injustice, indignity, and violence that they suffer.
What have we achieved?
- Continued the Institute’s ongoing education and awareness-raising work to show stronger connection to this goal, delivering water, sanitation and hygiene services in Australia and Papua New Guinea
- Supported efforts of individual Sisters’ advocacy groups in their response to forced migration, disaster response, rising seawaters and extractive economies impacting communities in the Pacific
- Continue to promote the voice of local Indigenous peoples, guided by Elders
- Continued to support our Mercy centres with programs that support local communities to thrive
- Collaborated with the CRA Ecology Alliance on the above advocacy projects.
What are we doing?
- Continue the Institute’s ongoing education work to show stronger connection to this goal, delivering water, sanitation and hygiene services in Australia and Papua New Guinea
- Support efforts of individual Sisters in their response to disasters impacting local communities everywhere
- Continue to promote the voice of local Indigenous peoples, guided by Elders
- Investigate advocacy projects protecting public green space where our membership live
- Continue to support all our Mercy centres as they offer programs and places for community to thrive
- Continue to share stories of MASF projects from communities.