Laudato Si'

Laudato Si’ Goal 1: Response to the Cry of the Earth


The Response to the Cry of Earth is a call to protect our common home for the wellbeing of all, as we equitably address the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, pollution, ecological sustainability, and restoration. There are many themes within the previous Environmental Management Plan that addressed different aspects of the Laudato Si’ goal of ‘Response to Cry of Earth’ as these very closely align to the Environmental Sustainability themes of the original Sustainable Living policy.

What have we achieved?

  • Consolidation of energy retailers with over 70% of properties now utilising the same retailer. (geographic spread of the Institute does not allow for full coverage by one provider)
  • Through a combination of property sales, investment in solar installations and ongoing behaviour change, electricity costs have decreased by over 30% since the 2015/216 financial year
  • Over 34% of institute owned properties now have solar installed
  • Through a combination of property sales, and ongoing behaviour change, gas costs have decreased by over 11% since the 2015/216 financial year
  • Through a combination of property sales, targeted initiatives, and ongoing behaviour change, water costs have decreased by over 19% since the 2015/216 financial year
  • A focused biodiversity project at Oamug in Papua New Guinea
  • Water advocacy working group formed.

What are we doing?

  • Continuing solar projects across the Institute (over 80KW planned for 2021/2022)
  • Installation of LED lighting across two states (VIC and NSW)
  • Development of Carbon reduction plan
  • Investigating a focused biodiversity and carbon sequestration project in each community.

Working on targets identified within our Laudato Si Integral Ecology Strategic Plan.