Our Symbol
to a deeper awareness of the mystery
of death and resurrection
in God’s plan of redemption.
It constantly says to us
how infinitely great is God’s mercy [Eph. 2:8].
The original Mercy Cross was ebony with an ivory insert.
Our contemporary emblem preserves this symbol
of our identification with Christ,
both crucified and risen.
It reminds us that
without the Cross the real Crown cannot come.¹
It urges us to offer the gift of ourselves.
He has written us in His hands.
Shall not we then write His wounds
on our minds and hearts?²

¹ Some joyful circumstance will soon prove that God is watching over your concerns which are all his own – but without the cross the real crown cannot come. Some great thing which He designs to accomplish – would have been too much – without a little bitter in the cup. Bless and love the Fatherly hand which has hurt you. He will soon come with both hands filled with favors and blessings. The Correspondence of Catherine McAuley, 1818-41, ed. Sullivan, M. C., Dublin, Four Courts Press, 1995. p.259.
² Let us then often fly to the foot of the cross, and repose in the wounds of Jesus. He has written us in His hands – shall we not write His wounds on our minds and hearts? Shall we not say with St. Augustine: ‘These wounds are my refuge, my hope, my salvation, my life, my resurrection’. Familiar Instructions of Rev Mother McAuley, [author unknown], St. Louis, 1927. p73.