Young Mercy Links with Student Leaders

At the end of last year, Young Mercy Links (YML) coordinator Angela and support coordinator Cassandra, ran a Student Leader Formation Program entitled Leading in Mercy. The program was devised to empower and assist in the formation of newly elected 2025 school leaders.

Representatives from the student leadership teams from five Victorian Mercy schools gathered at the Mercy Hub to participate in sessions and workshops, which included group discussions, sharing, as well as hands-on activities which encouraged creativity and interaction.

Going back to basics, they explored different definitions of Mercy, with students offering their own thoughts. They learnt that Mercy involves being uncomfortable and that it requires acting on the discomfort to make change. Students summarized Mercy as involving necessary discomfort as well as being a gift. Others learnt that Mercy is a habit of the heart, most effective when we are gentle and that it is limitless kindness. Of course, they couldn’t talk about Mercy leadership without talking about Catherine McAuley, her story and her extraordinary leadership. Students learnt how Catherine’s example and the Mercy values and traditional teachings can be applied to themselves and their school communities.

Based on feedback from students, a highlight of the program was the What’s Your Story? session, an idea of Sister Margaret Moore. Students were asked to select a random object and look within, reflecting on the gifts they possess. In small groups, they shared why they chose this object and how it connects to their story. One student said that they, “enjoyed the session about drawing back our internal curtains” and learnt that, “the emphasis on being a good leader means knowing yourself and your story”.

Another highlight was the Dinner Plate creative art activity which required the students to fill their plate with their gifts and then present to everyone what they bring to the table. During this time, students mingled and chatted. The teachers commented that this was the best part, seeing their students interacting with others from other schools and engaging in lively discussion. Some of the students also commented that they really enjoyed connecting with students from the other schools.

A session called Mercy in Action, expanded the students’ focus beyond their communities to the national and global Mercy world, spotlighting the works and initiatives of the sisters while also highlighting the amazing pathway opportunities that open up for people involved in Mercy. We heard from Isabel Salter, member of YML South Australia, who presented via Zoom, sharing her Mercy journey from being a YML member to completing a 12-month internship at the United Nations in New York with Mercy Global Action (MGA) under sister Angela Reed. She also spoke about her current work with MGA.

Cass shared Sister Denise Coghlan’s story, speaking about how Sister Denise calls Cambodia home. She told those gathered about Metta Karuna, the Reflection Centre Sister Denise established and the inspirational people at Jesuit Refugee Services.

YML members Ruby and Eve shared their journeys in Mercy and their involvement in the group. The students enjoyed hearing first-hand what YML is all about and what it is like to be a member of this community of young individuals passionate about social justice. The students said they appreciated the variety of guest speakers that provided real life examples and they also described the passionate atmosphere created during their time together as infectious.

In the final session of the two-day program, students sat together in their school groups to brainstorm ideas and write out their action plan for the year. They enjoyed chatting through ideas and planning out their initiatives to then take back to their schools. One student said that they look forward to showing the rest of their leadership team what they had worked on and that this planning session was incredibly productive and made them feel hopeful, motivated and excited.

When the program concluded, there was a buzz in the air with students and teachers leaving feeling energized, inspired and excited for action. YML felt grateful for the opportunity to work with these students and build up their Mercy leadership skills. They look forward to working with future young Mercy leaders, inspiring and encouraging as Catherine did.


By Cassandra Prinzi, Young Mercy Links Victorian Support Coordinator


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