Archived News Item
Supporting young people in care to be their best – MacKillop residential care staff recognised in Victorian Awards
September 30, 2021
Dr Nick Halfpenny, Dr Gemma McKibbin and Ana Fried
MacKillop Family Services staff were commended for going above and beyond to support vulnerable children, young people and families at award events held during National Child Protection Week earlier this month.
At the Victorian Protecting Children Awards (VPCA), a MacKillop residential care team received the Robin Clark Making a Difference Award for their remarkable work in using the MacKillop Institute’s Sanctuary model to improve the school attendance of the four young women living in the home. The house was commended as an impressive example of high-quality care for young people in residential care.
Also at the VPCA Awards, The MacKillop Institute’s Power to Kids: Respecting Sexual Safety program was Highly Commended in the Minister’s Award for Innovation in Protecting Children. This ground-breaking program was recognised for strengthening prevention of sexual exploitation, harmful sexual behaviours and dating violence for young people in residential care.
At the Victorian Resi Rocks Awards, MacKillop’s Skye Himmerman, won the Resi Rocks Leadership Award for her outstanding work as House Supervisor. Skye was commended for building a positive team culture and a warm, structure and secure home for the young people she supports.
MacKillop residential care homes were also recognised for their outstanding work with Monash University’s Healthy Eating, Active Living Matters (HEALing Matters) program, which provides information and practical resources to help young people living in care make positive choices and behaviour changes in relation to their health and wellbeing.
MacKillop’s CEO, Dr Robyn Miller, congratulated staff who received awards and commended all MacKillop nominees for the Awards.
“These awards are a wonderful recognition of the quality of work, dedication and commitment to the children, young people and families we work with and my heartfelt congratulations to all who were nominated.
“We are proud of the outstanding work, dedication and high-quality care that our staff provide for young people in residential care, and it is wonderful to see that commitment recognised through these prestigious awards,” Dr Miller said.

Dr Robyn Miller
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