Archived News Item
Seville Opens Cairns First Reconciliation Garden
June 9, 2022
Sr Faye Kelly RSM conducted the blessing of the Reconciliation Garden with the assistance of First Nations Leaders from Our Lady Help of Christians School at Earlville.
On Wednesday, 1 June 2022, as part of National Reconciliation Week, Seville Mercy Conference Centre opened Cairns’ very first Reconciliation Garden.
The garden was created in collaboration with Minjil, a Cairns-based Indigenous organisation who are passionate about sharing their culture through ceremony, experience and immersion.
Seville was blessed to have the Minjil team, Federal Member Warren Entsch MP, sisters and colleagues there for the official opening. The blessing was conducted by Sr Faye Kelly, with the assistance of First Nations Leaders from Our Lady Help of Christians School at Earlville.
Click here to read Manager, Rod Cole-Clarke’s speech that was delivered on the day.
- Rod Cole-Clark, Manager of Seville Mercy Conference Centre
- First Nations Dancers
- Therese Masterton RSM, Brigid Foley RSM, Carmel Doran RSM, Mary-Ann Lennon RSM watch the proceedings with other guests
- Faye Kelly RSM blessing the story poles with assistance of the First Nations School Leaders
- Smoking ceteremony
- Carl Fourmile from Minjil
- First Nations Dancers
- Carl Fourmile and Therese Masterton RSM
To watch a local TV news report, click on the play button below.