Archived News Item
Seville On Track To Achieving Laudato Si’ Goals for 2021
December 7, 2021
Rod Cole-Clarke, Manager Seville Conference Centre, with the composting system installed in 2021.
Earlier this year, the Seville Mercy Conference Centre in Cairns hosted the launch of the Institute’s commitment to the Laudato Si’ Platform. As part of their commitment to Laudato Si’, Seville is working towards achieving 72 goals in 2021 ranging from composting to solar.
Rod Cole-Clarke, Manager of Seville, is very proud to announce that Seville is on track to achieving all of the goals for 2021.
“This journey would not have been possible without the support of the Institute Leadership Team as well as Sr Adele Howard RSM and Sally Neaves (Integral Ecology Animator),” said Rod.
“We are honoured to be a part of the Institute’s Laudato Si’ platform and we look forward to welcoming Sr Adele to Seville in 2022 where she will be sharing her knowledge on Laudato Si’ with our clients”.
As with many other ministries across the Institute, Covid-19 has had a large impact on Seville throughout both 2020 and 2021. However, as the country starts to open up, Rod is confident that visitors will start to return to participate in their many programs and offerings.
“Covid closures throughout 2020 and 2021 provided Seville with an opportunity to reaffirm its partnership with local Cairns schools, businesses and the local parishes,” explained Rod,
“We are more than excited to be able to offer the same ‘extravagant hospitality’ to clients both far and wide as restrictions ease and people are able to travel once again.”
Next year promises to be another busy year for Seville as bookings are increasing, they are also hosting reflections and retreats on Laudato Si’, as well as eco-based events and conferences where the visitor can enjoy being surrounded by nature.
To see what is on offer in 2022 at Seville, visit the website:
Messages to: Rod Cole-Clarke, Seville Conference Centre.
December 7 2021