Archived News Item
Murray-Darling Basin in the spotlight for Institute’s Water Advocacy Taskforce
September 1, 2022
Two members of the Institute’s newly formed Water Advocacy Taskforce recently delivered a presentation focusing on rivers and the Murray-Darling Basin.
In 2022 the Institute formed a Water Advocacy Taskforce to address serious areas of water management being experienced globally and locally.
The Water Advocacy Taskforce is part of the Institute’s Integral Ecology Advisory Group and the Ecological Reference Group.
Mercy Global Action has identified “Water” as one of three priorities for advocacy.
In June, Helen Nolen RSM and Cathy Solano RSM delivered a presentation highlighting some of their work particularly focused on rivers and the Murray Darling Basin, inspired by Laudato Si’ and the Rights of Nature Approach.
The “Issue of Water” is the second concern highlighted by Pope Francis in chapter 1 of Laudato Si’ (#27-31), after Pollution and Climate Change. He expresses concern for those living in what he calls “water poverty”.
The fundamental premise of the Rights of Nature approach asserts that “Ecosystems and natural communities are living entities and have independent and inalienable rights to exist, flourish, evolve and regenerate”.
Rivers have become a central focus in Rights of Nature since, globally, river systems have come under extreme pressure from extraction and exploitation. One example of this is the Murray Darling Basin – Australia’s biggest and most important river system.
The full report of Cathy and Helen’s presentation is now available for all in the Mercy community to read and share widely. The paper explains the issue at hand including:
- The context and literature
- Murray-Darling Basin basic information
- Catchment maps and management complexity
- Water for First Nations Peoples
- Water for the environment
- Water markets in need of urgent reform
- Labor’s five point plan promised prior to election
- Further information
We invite you to unite with us in supporting upcoming advocacy efforts for water and other issues in the near future.
To view the Summary of the Presentation at the June webinar – Click here
You may also like to view a recording by clicking on the arrow below.
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