Archived News Item
Mercy Connect Awarded for Excellence
August 4, 2021
Mercy Connect CEO Trent Dean and Jessie Arney – Executive Leader, People and Communication
Given how challenging the past twelve months have been for our regions, Mercy Connect was very pleased to receive two Albury Wodonga Business Awards for the categories of Excellence in Health, Education and Disability and Outstanding Not for Profit Community Organisation.
“These awards provided clear affirmation of how Mercy Connect respond to local need, in meaningful ways, despite ongoing adversity,” said chief executive officer Trent Dean.
“Mercy Connect i very well supported by its participants, staff, volunteer , families/guardians, donors, and many community and business supporters who share their Mercy-inspired values.”
With one in five Australians living ,with disability, it is essential that genuine choice and control remains present within their live , and that the local communities actively work together to ensure individual housing need, employment aspirations and life goals are met.”
“Through these unprecedented time , Mercy Connect continues to develop and improve its overall service delivery, in line with its innovative strategic plan, with the three priority areas of capability, innovation and growth.’
Noting the decline in affordable, local disability housing. Mercy Connect has commenced construction of an integrated community of accessible housing in Albury for people living with disability. This latest development will be mirrored in Orange with a similar project currently in the planning stages. These two exciting new developments are designed to promote the needs of residents, whilst increasing their accessibility to local facilities, transport, and community inclusion activities.
“We are looking forward to the completion of this important development, which is progressing well. I remain extremely proud of our committed Mercy Connect team who are working hard to deliver this new range of infrastructure, supports and services, as we continue to support those in need to live fulfilled lives,” said Trent.
The development will comprise of a mixture of one and two bedroom ‘supported independent living’ units with carer accommodation and self-contained dwellings.
(Article originally appeared in the Border Mail, Saturday 24 July 2021).
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To find out more about the Albury Wodonga Business Awards – Click here