Season of Creation Videos Cosmos Flora and Fauna Blessing of the Animals Storm Ocean Back Laudato Si’ Goal 6: Ecological Spirituality Resources Laudato Si’ Goal 1: Response to the Cry of the Earth Laudato Si’ Goal 2: Response to the Cry of the Poor Laudato Si’ Goal 3: Ecological Economics Laudato Si’ Goal 4: Adoption of Simple Lifestyles Laudato Si’ Goal 5: Ecological Education Laudato Si’ Goal 6: Ecological Spirituality Resources First Nations Spirituality Resources Cosmology Links Videos for Contemplative Reflection Season of Creation Videos Four Directions Body Prayer Scripture, Poetry & Music Deeptime Network Meditations Cry of Earth Videos Rituals and Practices Goal 6 Resources Contemplative Moments Links to MIRP, MGP and Eco-Communications Laudato Si’ Goal 7: Community Engagement and Participatory Action Laudato Si’ Resources