Archived News Item
Introducing Seville to Local Businesses
March 2, 2021
Rod Cole-Clarke, Manager of Seville, participating in a small business network event in February 2021
Rod Cole-Clarke, the Manager of Seville Conference Centre in Cairns recently attended a two-day small business networking event that provided workshops and consultation from local business experts. It also provided an opportunity to informally share about the wonderful facilities at Seville.
Topics covered included financial, marketing, recruitment and a wellness perspective. Rod was also given the opportunity to discuss Seville’s commitment to Laudato Si’ and how that is driving their vision for a sustainable business.
“This was a great opportunity”, said Rod, “and I am looking forward to working with other local businesses in the Cairns region to not only encourage visits to Seville, but to also encourage others to participate in the Mercy mission and embrace Laudato Si’.”
Messages to: Rod Cole-Clarke
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