Fruitful Gathering for Leaders of Mercy Associates
March 24, 2025
Seated L to R: Marg Trevethan; Mandy Bosson; Anna McGookin Standing L-R: Carmel Ross; Margery Jackman; Theresia Tina; Rita Tomba; Julie Clarkson; Grace Lalio; Phil Billington; Mary Baumann-Casson. The use of Zoom enabled Annette Rowe from Gladstone to participate in sessions despite the interruption to travel caused by Cyclone Alfred.
A group of eight leaders from Mercy Associates and Mercy Friends groups gathered recently in Sydney to reflect on Mercy leadership. Over a weekend, the group was guided by Caroline Thompson to reflect on their leadership through the lens of the parable of the Sower and the Seed.
The group was comprised of leaders from Cairns, Townsville, Gladstone, Sydney, Adelaide, Ballarat, Young and Wewak. The impact of cyclone Alfred was felt by Annette Rowe from Gladstone, who participated via Zoom because of flight cancellations from Gladstone via Brisbane. Fortunately, all others from locations north of Brisbane were able to fly direct without stopping in Brisbane. Sister Liz Moloney joined the group on Friday evening for the gathering and Sister Theresia Tina joined the group for all the sessions on Saturday and Sunday.
Reflecting on some core elements of mercy, including hospitality and a welcoming heart; concern for those made poor; kindness and humility; and education, the group was invited to consider how mercy is made tangible to others. The way we speak, our actions and our attitude of heart were identified as key factors those we serve observe in our demeanour. Coupled with this was the importance of believing in the power of individual actions to influence others for the better, having the confidence to act or speak to support the needs of others.
The parable refers to the fate of seeds that fell among thorns. Using this metaphor, we reflected on the obstacles and impediments Catherine McAuley experienced as she built the House of Mercy and founded the Sisters of Mercy. In our own lives and our involvement with Mercy Associates, we also encounter obstacles. Like Catherine, we must not allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by these but trust in God’s providence and our own efforts to find a way forward.
Our hopes and aspirations for our Mercy Associates and Mercy Friends groups were our next focus. Encouraged to look into the longer-term future, we were also encouraged to dream of what could be new and/or different about our groups in the future, as well as what needs did we see in them that we must address if they are to survive and flourish.
Among many possibilities, we were invited to: imagine that things can be different; be passionate about what we do, and wise; believe that God is in all things; invest in relationships; be a dealer in hope; and tell stories, celebrate and have fun!
The areas of focus that arose from group discussions were: prayer and formation; linking and networking; planning; and being seen. The ideas that arose from these topics will be shared with Mercy Associates groups through our newsletter Many Paths, and followed up by the network facilitators.
This annual gathering is of immense benefit to those who attend. Inspired by Catherine’s story and by each other’s efforts in the Mercy Associates and Mercy Friends groups, the nourishment gained from gathering will enable myriad seeds to be sowed as we return to our groups and look at directions and options.
We are grateful for the wise and gentle manner in which Caroline facilitated the sessions, to Theresia for her interest and support; and for the generosity of the group leaders who committed a weekend of their time to strengthening their own capacity for Mercy leadership.
Written by Carmel Ross, Executive Officer, Mercy Associates.
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