Archived News Item
First Gathering of the Mercy Ministry Companions Trustee Directors
June 7, 2021
L-R: Des Powell (MMC), Gaye Lennon RSM (ILT), Elizabeth Moloney RSM (ILT), Gabrielle McMullen (MMC), David Penny (ISMAPNG Executive Director), Carmel Ross (MMC), Maureen Sexton RSM (ILT), Eveline Crotty RSM (ILT), Tony Goad (MMC), Margery Jackman (MMC), Margaret Bounader (MMC), Caroline Ryan RSM (ILT), Annette Schneider RSM (Governance Formation), Rowena McNally (MMC), Jonathan Campton (Ministry Governance).
The initial meeting of the Trustee Directors of Mercy Ministry Companions, the Institute Leadership and, David Penny (Executive Director ISMAPNG), Jonathan Campton (Ministry Governance) and Annette Schneider RSM (Formation Governance) took place in Sydney on May 25 and 26. Thanks to Jonathan’s Administrative Assistant, Helen Boland, all practical arrangements were smooth and efficient.
As well as being a significant ‘first’, this time together was a much-valued opportunity for everyone to learn a little about everyone else. And what a rich mix of ‘gifts differing’ graced the gathering!
The programme for the two days had been prepared by Annette Schneider RSM (Governance Formation), Jonathan Campton (Ministry Governance) and me.
It included an inspiring welcome from Institute Leader, Eveline Crotty RSM, meditative prayer and sessions on Formation for Canonical Governance, Lay Leadership, Understanding Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities Integral to Mercy Ministry Companions, Charism, Structural and Operational Elements of Mercy Ministry Companions (MMC) and Emerging Issues for Church Agencies. This was a big agenda, but it was satisfying and productive for all.
Along with the serious focus of each day and the hard work it entailed, there was a lot of light-hearted interaction. There was also a deep sense of gratitude among the Trustee Directors for the privilege of being entrusted to lead Mercy Ministry Companions and a pervasive hope that, through this new venture, our Institute’s ministries will indeed ‘flourish into the future’.
Click here to read Sr Eveline Crotty’s welcome address.
Caroline Ryan RSM, Institute Vicar
Mercy Ministry Companions is the proposed Public Juridic Person (PJP) that will govern the Institute’s incorporated ministries in the future. The Institute has lodged a petition with the Holy See seeking approval for the establishment of the PJP. The application is currently being assessed.
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