Archived News Item
Cairns Mayor Discusses Environmental Sustainability During Visit to Seville
May 4, 2021
Mayor Bob Manning of Cairns Regional Council (right) meets Rod Cole-Clarke (left), Manager of Seville to talk about Laudato Si’
Last month the Manager of Seville Conference Centre, Rod Cole-Clarke welcomed Cairns Mayor, Bob Manning to Seville to discuss the Centre’s environmental sustainability policies and practices.
The Cairns Regional Council has made no secret that it is very supportive of businesses in the Cairns regional area striving towards sustainability. It has encouraged businesses to review their practices and to implement procedures that will improve their social and environmental performance.
Rod enjoyed the opportunity to introduce the Mayor to the principles of Laudato Si’, as well as show him examples of how a business can implement and demonstrate its commitment to ‘care for our common home’.
The Mayor was particularly interested in what Seville is trying to achieve in becoming regenerative in their practices, but still maintaining the highest hospitality standards.
Messages to: Rod Cole-Clarke